
Keynote Speakers Details


Prof. Wei-Hsin Chen /Distinguished Professor

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Wei-Hsin Chen holds a PhD in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Chenggong University. Since 2016, he has been a distinguished Professor of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. Since 2019, he is also a Chair Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chin Yi University of Technology, Taiwan, and an Honorary Chair Professor of School of Engineering, Private Tunghai University Taiwan.

Professor Wei-Hsin Chen is a pioneer of international biomass energy "Torrefaction" research, dedicated to the study of green energy and fuel, including biomass energy, hydrogen energy, and clean energy related technology development, and recently toward the future direction of energy system automation, UAV application, etc. He was awarded the 107th Li Guoding Gold Quality Award and the 109th Li Guoding Honorary Scholar. The total number of papers published is about 349, and they have been cited more than 12,000 times, and the H-index of paper citations is 63. Weixin Chen has been selected as a highly cited scholar in the field of engineering for the sixth consecutive year since 2016.

Chen,Wei-Hsin (