
Conference News

Prof. Wei-Hsin Chen from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan and Prof. Cheng-Di Dong from National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan will attend NEXSUM 2024!

The world faces complex and interconnected challenges that require a holistic approach to sustainable development.  The nexus approach recognizes the interdependencies and synergies among the various sectors, including environment, energy, food security, sustainability, and climate change.  By understanding and addressing these interlinkages, we can create effective strategies and solutions for a sustainable future.
Nexus Summit: Sustainability in a Changing World (NEXSUM2024)  is jointly organized by MOMENT ALPHA Sdn Bhd a startup located at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), co-organized by International Association of Management Science and Engineering Technology (IAMSET).  The conference which will be held during July 24-27, 2024, aims to bring together experts, scholars, researchers, policymakers, industry professionals, and students from around the world to navigate the nexus of carbon neutrality, environment, energy, food security, sustainability, and climate change.

The NEXSUM Organizing Committee is honored to invite Prof. Wei-Hsin Chen from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan and Prof. Cheng-Di Dong from National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan to participate in this conference and deliver speeches!

Wei-Hsin Chen holds a PhD in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Chenggong University.   Since 2016, he has been a distinguished Professor of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.   Since 2019, he is also a Chair Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chin Yi University of Technology, Taiwan, and an Honorary Chair Professor of School of Engineering, Private Tunghai University Taiwan. Professor Wei-Hsin Chen is a pioneer of international biomass energy "Torrefaction" research, dedicated to the study of green energy and fuel, including biomass energy, hydrogen energy, and clean energy related technology development, and recently toward the future direction of energy system automation, UAV application, etc.   He was awarded the 107th Li Guoding Gold Quality Award and the 109th Li Guoding Honorary Scholar.   The total number of papers published is about 349, and they have been cited more than 12,000 times, and the H-index of paper citations is 63.   Weixin Chen has been selected as a highly cited scholar in the field of engineering for the sixth consecutive year since 2016.

Dr. Cheng-Di Dong is Chair Professor and Dean of the School of Hydrosphere, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.   His main research areas are water environment monitoring and assessment, physical and chemical treatment of water and wastewater, new catalytic materials and environmental applications of biochar.   He has published more than 500 research and review articles, seven book chapters, and edited six special issues of scientific journals.   The H-index in 2023 is 52, with more than 11,000 citations.   From 2021 to 2023, he was selected as "the World's Top 2% Scientists (Environmental Science)" by Stanford University. 2023 Won the "National Science Council" Outstanding research Award.   He is currently on the editorial board and guest editor of Bioresource Technology, Environmental Pollution, Catalysts, Applied Sciences and other journals.

Participants are encouraged to join this conference. If you are interested, please send your CV to us, or contact us via WeChat: 19137184507

NEXSUM Organizing Committee looks forward to your participation!

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